Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week 2-Demolition

We had lots of lead in the walls and trim.  Bellingham Bay Builders is a certified lead removal company.

Everything containing lead had to be wrapped carefully.

Granddog Eddy surveys the situation.

Son-in-law Chris and granddaughter Maya check things out.

Chris repositions the camera for a better angle.

The living room and what was once Mike's office will become one big room to take better advantage of our view of the park.

The original fireplace will remain with a new oak mantel.

The kitchen floor will finally be removed next week by a certified asbestos removal company.

I won't miss the floor one little bit!

I will miss the built-in ironing board, however.

BBB left things neat and clean at the end of the work week, with only this small pile of debris left to haul away.

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